Well.. My previous post dah tulis yang I resign from my current company so basically I'm desperately seeking for a new job now. I did go to a few interview in the last 2 month. 1st company yang I pergi ialah HSBC Electronic Data Processing (M) Sdn Bhd. So nak cerita pengalaman interview dia macam mana.
I apply through jobstreet. Apply about 10 minutes then somebody called me from HSBC Philippines. There was 10 minutes phone interview. Interview punya interview dia mintak datang face to face interview the next coming week. I sampai HSBC tu around 12 pm. Dia ada 2 stage which is 1st, grammar test. Dah lepas test baru dapat interview. kalau fail test bye bye lah citer dia. Yang datang tu around 40 people I think. Yang lepas test ada la around 20 kot.
Ok, so test dia x de la susah gila ke. Tapi confusing jugak and 1 soalan ada 30 saat sahaja. x sempat jawab rugi la 1 soalan. Oh and it was a computer test. Alhamdullillah I lepas test dia. Then I tunggu la turn untuk interview. Nasib la dapat sorang or 2 org interviewer. I dapat 2 org. Both indian guy. one guy like to smile and another guy seems so serious. But I guess it just him try to acting garang. hee.. Soalan dia basic la tanya pasal pengalaman kerja, strengh and weaknesses, and banyak sangat lagi. I rasa interview I ada la 40 minit kot.
I habis interview around 7pm. So 7 jam I tunggu dari nak test sampai interview. So sape2 kalau dapat interview to make sure prepare your mental and fizikal ok. Makan siap2 and bawak la bekal ke ape. Ha and orang HSBC call I 2 hari lepas and bagitau I berjaya dapat kerja tu. Tapi.. I pun x tau lagi macam mana. Gaji dia memang menarik. Tapi U kena willing untuk kerja waktu yang agak odd. Sebab this is international company so U kena deal dengan orang dari negara luar la. Let say U kena jaga UK punya region. Kita kena ikut waktu kerja dorang and waktu cuti dorang. No raya2 whatsoever. Kita boleh apply la kot. Dapat x dapat belakang cerita.
So.. I'm still thinking bout this job. Hope by this month I dapat la petunjuk ke ape pasal ni.
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